Tutorial | Uñas de Fresa! 18:49 Clima: LluviosoAnimo: FelizEscuchando: SkrillexPc: Blogger, Msn, FBStatus: On con JesusPronto les traeré un tutorial on line de este diseñito, así que pendiente!Uñas de: Pukka Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: Fashion Look, Uñas, Uñas estilo fresas Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua You Might Also Like 1 Comments YenRN29 mar 2012, 10:50:00wii fui modelo jejeson geniales *_*cuando hagas el video te haras famosa xD jejeResponderEliminarRespuestasResponderAñadir comentarioCargar más... Hi! Welcome to PandoraGLAM, thanks for commenting, if you want f4f, follow me and leave me a comment and as soon as I see it I follow you, thanks for visiting my little temple, have a nice day/night!
wii fui modelo jeje
ResponderEliminarson geniales *_*
cuando hagas el video te haras famosa xD jeje
Hi! Welcome to PandoraGLAM, thanks for commenting, if you want f4f, follow me and leave me a comment and as soon as I see it I follow you, thanks for visiting my little temple, have a nice day/night!